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How to install Caddy and how to use it as webserver or reserve proxy

Caddy is an open-source web server and reverse proxy that can be used to serve web content and handle SSL/TLS encryption. Here are the basic steps to install and use Caddy on a Linux-based system:

  1. Download the Caddy binary from the official website (https://caddyserver.com/download)
  2. Make the Caddy binary executable by running the command: chmod +x caddy
  3. Move the binary to a directory in your system’s PATH, for example: mv caddy /usr/local/bin
  4. Create a Caddyfile (configuration file) in a directory that Caddy can access. The Caddyfile is where you can configure the behavior of Caddy.
  5. To start Caddy, run the command: caddy run or caddy start
  6. To stop Caddy, run the command: caddy stop or caddy stop --config /path/to/Caddyfile

To use Caddy as a web server, you need to create a Caddyfile and configure it with the appropriate settings. Here is an example of a basic Caddyfile that serves content from a directory called “web” on your server:

root * /path/to/web/

This tells Caddy to listen on port 8080, serve the content from the directory /path/to/web/ and respond to any request from the localhost.

You can also use Caddy as a reverse proxy by configuring it to forward requests to another server or service. Here’s an example of a Caddyfile that routes requests to a backend service running on port 8000:

proxy / localhost:8000 {

This tells Caddy to listen on port 8080, forward all requests to the backend service running on localhost:8000 and keep the original client’s IP address in the request headers.

It is important to note that this is a basic example and Caddy provides many other features such as automatic HTTPS, virtual hosting, and more. Be sure to consult the Caddy documentation (https://caddyserver.com/docs) for more information on how to use and configure Caddy.

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