Recover Two Failed Disk at RAID10 on different arrays
Read More: Recover Two Failed Disk at RAID10 on different arraysINTRODUCTION RAID 10, also known as RAID 1+0, is a popular and high-performance RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configuration that combines elements of both RAID 1 and RAID 0. It offers a balance between data redundancy and improved performance, making it well-suited for applications that require high-speed data access along with data protection. RAID…
Implement KEDA HPA Trigger on RKE2
Read More: Implement KEDA HPA Trigger on RKE2INTRODUCTION The built-in Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) scales the Pods using CPU and Memory metrics according to the defined threshold. However, in cases where an engineer needs to design a custom metric, such as triggering Pod scaling based on an HTTP traffic metric, the KEDA function can be employed. KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler.…
Shared Hosting Security Measurement
Read More: Shared Hosting Security MeasurementINTRODUCTION Security is frequently given less priority during discussions related to application development or server setup. Clients tend to only consider security measures after an incident breach has occurred in the applications or server setup. This behavior can be categorized as unfavorable since such incidents can result in data loss or alteration due to the…
Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: Deploy to GKE
Read More: Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: Deploy to GKEInstall Gitlab Kube Agent To provide the Continues Delivery using GitLab, we need to install the agent into the GKE cluster. The Installation steps are explained as the following: Watch a GitLab 14.2 walk-through of this process Agent Config and Deployment Strategy The script_deploy.sh is a helper to run a sum amount of kubectl command with…
Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: sAST Integration
Read More: Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: sAST IntegrationThis section is a part two series of Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE. For those who haven’t read the previous article, please follow this link Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: Image Build. SAST (Static Application Security Testing), is a tool that scans an application’s source, binary, or…
Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: Image Build
Read More: Complete CI/CD Laravel Apps Using Gitlab CI To GKE: Image BuildGitLab CI/CD has many functions, although the primary goal of the tool is to build a continuous environment using these methodologies: Stages & Requirements The complete CI/CD flow is divided into several stages and requirements. The requirements are for you to have the following entities: Whereas the stages of CI/CD development are explained as the…
Enable ModSec WAF On RKE2 Ingress
Read More: Enable ModSec WAF On RKE2 IngressModSec / ModSecurity is a software package that creates a collection of regulations which can be employed as a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for the web server. The WAF is responsible for managing access control, tracking usage, and observing incoming requests directed at specific web applications or web servers. Having a WAF installed on the…
Deploy Mass Configuration with Ansible Role – Part 1
Read More: Deploy Mass Configuration with Ansible Role – Part 1PENDAHULUAN Kenapa harus Ansible Role? Ansible role mendeklarasikan struktur ansible playbook menggunakan role yang mengandung berbagai konfigurasi yang dibutuhkan bagi setiap server. Bayangkan sebuah role sebagai sebuah server yang memiliki fungsionalitas dan jobs tersendiri, seperti loadbalancer, webserver, shared storage, database dan lain sebagainya. Setiap role dibangun dengan cara mengkonfigurasi masing-masing server dan mengeksekusi berbagai macam perintah, hingga sebuah role bisa diimplementasikan ke dalam server.…